Quality Control

QC Profile


How do we control the quality of machining

Quality Control

In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality.

Quality Control

How do we ensure finished product quality (FQC inspection)

Quality Control


1. Visual Inspection

2. Material Grade Measurement

3. Dimension Inspection

4. Roughness Detection

5. Roughness Detection

6. Leakage Test


Surface Treatment

We offer the following processes to choose:

Quality Control

1. Mechanical Polishing (MP) to improve brightness (gloss, matte)

2. Acid Cleaning for Anti-corrosion

3. Electrolysis Polish (EP) to improve surface smoothness

4. Custom Process: Bright Annealing treatment eliminate strees to improve toughness


Forming Machine Process

Quality Control

1. CNC Lathe Processing

2. High precision CNC machining center processing

3. General lathe processing

4. The machine punch the product parts

5. Cold Forming Molding

6. Welding Assembly


How do we control the quality of machining

Quality Control


1. YAMAZAKI MAZAK Brand high-precision CNC lathe processing parts.

2. Advanced Milling Machines

3. UT Inspection to ensure welding quality

4. Weld Polishing

5. 100% Appearance & Size Inspection online (thickness, roundness, etc.)

6. Size & Appearance Shaping


Cleaning and packing

Quality Control